Job offers
Here you can find our current job and internship offers in the areas of sales, shopping, marketing, e-commerce, finance and accounting, IT and HR.
See how the recruitment process in AB looks like.
Get to know us better
See how our offices and work in AB looks like. Find out how our employees spend their free time and learn about the events organized by our company.

- Free transport
- Training programs
- Health promotion
- 500+ program
- Language courses
- Subsidized vacations
- MultiSport program
- Life insurance
- Medical care
- Christmas bonuses
- Employee purchases
- Team building events
- Staff canteen
Leave your CV
Are you interested in working for AB? Do you want to join our team? Take the first step now – fill out the form and attach your CV. The application will be saved in our database. With your consent, your application will be considered in both current and future recruitment processes.