AB has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2006. Currently it belongs to the sWIG80TR, WIG-Poland, InvestorMS, sWIG80 and WIG indices.
Financial data In K PLN, financial year 20220-2023

Capital Group
AB Group is the only Polish company among the eight largest IT distributors and e-commerce solution providers in Europe. It holds the leading position in Poland, as well as Central and Eastern Europe region.

Corporate governance
Corporate governance is a set of rules of conduct for company bodies, as well as for members of these bodies – the Supervisory Board, the Management Board and the shareholders. The principles of corporate governance apply to the broadly understood management of the company.

Share ownership
AB has a stable share ownership structure, consisting of leading financial institutions, with Andrzej Przybyło – founder and current President of the Management Board – holding the majority stake.

Our clear and detailed current and periodical reports, as well as result presentations enable you to get to know our company better and to know current indicators and information.