AB S.A. partners with Career Leverage project

AB S.A., the largest distributor of IT and utility electronics in Central and Eastern Europe operating out of Magnice near Wroclaw, has become a Partner of Career Leverage project.

Career Leverage is a project enabling outstanding university students to combine studying with internship with a Partner Company participating in the project. The participants have the opportunity to develop competences that are currently in demand on the job market and also obtain financial security, while for the Partner Company, the project is an opportunity to groom its future employees.

AB is an innovative company operating on the constantly changing distribution market. We are always learning and developing, also by investing in our employees’ education. For many years now, our internship programmes are providing numerous young people with the opportunity to launch their professional careers. They are working in our E-commerce, IT or Product Management departments creating unique, cutting-edge solutions. By partnering with Career Leverage project, we have the ability to work more closely with universities and recruit talented students,” says Iwona Marzec, Human Resources Manager at AB S.A.

During paid internships, the participants of Career Leverage project build their professional experience and prepare themselves for future responsibilities and a full-time employment right out of the university. By providing assistance with the recruitment process, the project Partner has the opportunity to look for talents and help promising participants turn their natural predispositions into key competences. Find out more at https://dzwigniakariery.pl