AB among the 100 top companies in Central and East Europe

AB Group, the leading distributor of IT solutions, household appliances and consumer electronics in Central and Eastern Europe came in 99th in the “Europe 500 ­– top companies of Central and Eastern Europe” ranking. The company advanced by 24 places in the 10th edition of the ranking, prepared by Rzeczpospolita and Deloitte.

The “Europe 500” ranking takes into consideration over 800 enterprises from 19 countries, sorted by overall revenues in 2015. In that year, AB Group registered revenues of over 1.6 billion EUR (7.1 billion PLN).

“We became one of the top 100 companies in Central and Eastern Europe, thanks to our consistency in building a sustainable distribution business, in which every single product group plays a significant role. We are the first choice distributor for the largest suppliers in the world for many reasons, one of them being that over the course of over 25 years of our operations, we built partnerships and lasting relationships with over 16 500 business clients. Moreover, we are constantly developing, and as the AB Group we also embrace new business areas ­– not only products, but also services. By that I mean mainly e-commerce, since even right now we are ready to actively participate in this market, which – according to market estimates for the upcoming years ­– is going to grow by 50 billion PLN in Poland alone”, said Andrzej Przybyło, Chairman of the Board of AB S.A.

AB in the index of the best companies

AB also joined the companies comprising the Index of Success within the “Europe 500” ranking. The Index is an indicator of the market success of the best companies of Central and Eastern Europe. It shows the state of things in business, as well as the condition of the largest and the most dynamic enterprises.

“Being among the top leaders in Central and Eastern Europe, comprised mostly of large bank or resource groups is indeed something to be proud of.Especially given that the conditions that AB fulfils in the Index of Success are fully objective and based on hard financial data”, said Andrzej Przybyło, Chairman of the Board of AB S.A.

In order to be included in the Index of Success, the company needs to fulfil several requirements. The most important of them are: large scale of business operations (500 million EUR revenues), the company headquarters must be located in Central Europe, the company needs to have a transparent ownership structure and publish financial statements, as well as carry out operations in at least three countries and be of good reputation. Additionally, non-financial criteria were also taken into consideration, such as activities of the companies in the area of sustainable growth.

The success of Polish capital

In this edition of “Europe 500” ranking, AB Group was also distinguished among the largest trading companies in Central and Eastern Europe ­– the company placed 20th on the list. The high position of AB among companies controlled by Polish private capital was also emphasised.

“This accolade is especially important, because 2016 is the 10th anniversary of AB’s IPO on Warsaw Stock Exchange. The investment market considers us to be the most stable, safe and the highest quality company in the industry, which is fully reliable and credible in realisation of its development strategy, and which has the best perspectives for growth in the upcoming years”, said Andrzej Przybyło, Chairman of the Board of AB S.A.