AB organised the most important trade show of the consumer electronics and household appliances sector

AB Innovation Days, the most important consumer electronics and household appliances trade show took place last weekend in Karpacz, gathering almost 500 guests and over 40 exhibitors. The fourth edition of the event, which took place at the Gołębiewski Hotel in Karpacz, presented the trends that will lead the consumer electronics and household appliances market in the upcoming months, as well as new and innovative products. For the first time, gaming products, the popularity of which grows dynamically, were also presented during the event.

This year’s AB Innovation Days once again used the tried and proved formula of the event, combining training sessions, as well as demonstrations of new products to hit the consumer electronics and household appliances market; however, every single edition of the event changes, just like the industry trends. This year featured a presentation of gaming products, the popularity of which is currently on the rise. Among the propositions for gamers was the legendary Optimus brand, subsidiary of the AB Group, which presented an e-sports line dedicated for gamers.

Another special feature of this year’s edition was the opportunity to learn more about the vision and development plans of Kakto franchise chain offering consumer electronics and household appliances. Those who attended the lectures also got to know more about the support offered by the distributor from Wrocław to its partners, as well as saw the possibilities and capabilities of the available e-commerce tools. Additionally, the representatives of GfK Polonia, a renowned research institute discussed current trends on the durable consumer goods market.

“When we organised the first edition of AB Innovation Days, we just started our activity on the consumer electronics and household appliances market; however, since we started implementing our strategy of development in that segment of the distribution market, we assumed that events such as AB Innovation Days will allow us to play a significant role in this market. Currently we are enjoying a strong position, which was recently confirmed by over 80% year-on-year growth in the consumer electronics and household appliances segment. We managed to achieve it thanks to the fact that we offer almost all leading brands and additionally we are constantly expanding our range of exclusive products, which are appreciated by our partners. However, people are the most important aspect of every business. Since the very beginning, we bet on a dedicated team of salespeople, who understood the consumer electronics and household appliances market. Additionally, we can also see that the proposed formula of AB Innovation Days is a perfect opportunity for networking and discussions with our partners and manufacturers”, said Andrzej Przybyło, chairman of the Board of AB S.A.

During the trade show, hundreds of guests visited over 40 exhibition stands, presenting the newest products, as well as industry development trends. After all, the motto of the trade show is “See today what others will show tomorrow”. The AB Studio with television journalist Maciej Kurzajewski hosted numerous discussions with experts and market leaders. The studio also broadcast the events taking place at the exhibition stands.

The end of the event was marked by an official Gala, during which the invited guests had an opportunity to enjoy a concert by Kate Ryan.

Read more about the event: https://id.ab.pl/