Andrzej Przybyło – a visionary with the Vector 2015 award

For the 15th time, the Employers of Poland organisation has given the prestigious Vector awards to the outstanding representatives of the worlds of medicine, science and business. Among the laureates was Andrzej Przybyło, the founder and the Chairman of the Board of AB S.A., who was given the award for creating the largest distributor of IT equipment in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as for the financial success of the company.

“To stand among such outstanding laureates is an honour and something to be proud of. The Vector 2015 award is a great conclusion to the celebration of the 25th birthday of the company, and 25 years of building AB S.A. together with my employees, which took place last year. We achieved a significant success by becoming the leader of distribution in our part of Europe. We are now entering 2016 with our new investment, the largest in the company history to date – the innovative Logistics Centre in Magnice near Wrocław. I am fully aware that we have to constantly change, develop and listen to our partners. After all, they create the climate of Polish entrepreneurship”said Andrzej Przybyło, Chairman of the Board of AB S.A.

Andrzej Przybyło was one of the 10 laureates of Vector 2015 award, selected by the jury of the laureates of the award (currently over a hundred people). This year’s laureates were selected from among over 50 nominees.

The Employers of Poland organisation is the largest Polish business organisation, gathering over 10 000 companies. Since 2002, the organisation has been giving Vector awards to the outstanding entrepreneurs, managers, scientists, companies and institutions, which contribute to the creation of a positive climate for entrepreneurship by their activities and operations in various areas of the economy and social life.