A new AB S.A.’s logistics center soon opens in Magnice

As early as during summer holiday in 2015, a distribution and logistics center of AB S.A., the largest IT and consumer electronics distributor in Central and Eastern Europe, opens in Magnice near Wroclaw. This is one of the key investments of the company in recent years that will enable the entire AB group to gain a competitive advantage in logistics.

Not only the entire warehouse and logistics department, which will use the cutting-edge solutions for warehouse automation, will be moved to a new location, but also the entire structure of the company headquarters located in Wroclaw at Kościerzyńska Street. The new AB headquarters will cover the area of 27 thousand sq.m., or 2.5 times larger than now.

– As the result of the continuous development and opening of a new logistics center in Magnice, we are currently looking for new employees with experience in working at a warehouse and interns for specialist positions. As the company places great emphasis on internal recruitment, each employee has the opportunity for professional development. This means that we give ambitious workers the chance to retrain and the possibility of promotion – says Andrzej Bilski, HR Director at AB S.A.

AB S.A. is mainly seeking the candidates for:

  • Salesmen in the IT, GSM, and home appliances industry
  • Employees of logistics departments (storekeepers)
  • Merchants (product managers)
  • Interns for all departments (mainly students of last years of studies)

Employees will enjoy high-tech jobs, a friendly atmosphere, opportunities for professional development, and the employee canteen in the modern center of AB S.A. in Magnice. Also non-wage benefits such as subsidized English lessons or the multisport package are standard at AB.