AB named the highest-rated IT distributor in the TOP 500 CEE 2022 ranking
The ranking, organized by Coface and Rzeczpospolita, identifies companies with the highest turnover in absolute terms in the last year.
It is a great honor for us to be among such well-known and strategic corporations in the CEE region. Our presence in this ranking also shows the great potential for the cooperation we offer to our Partners in the area of distribution of IT equipment, consumer electronics, and household appliances.
Recall that in the financial year 2021/2022, the AB S.A. Group generated more than PLN 151 million in net profit and PLN 231 million in EBITDA with PLN 14 billion in sales revenues.The Group’s business model, which is based on long-term distribution agreements, gives us a strong competitive advantage, which, combined with geographic diversification and the highest operational efficiency in the industry, produces the expected long-term growth in the results.
The full results of the report can be found here: https://bit.ly/3fmB1I5