
Broadly defined good practices in the social sphere are a very important area of AB S.A.’s activities. These are long-term and multidimensional activities. As a result, AB places a strong emphasis on assistance to those in need and charity activities, as well as on the development of competence (including digital) and on providing equal opportunities.
For many years, we have been implementing good practices in new areas of our operations. These include:
1. Environmental education of employees (raising awareness of environmental care, sorting of waste, prudent and responsible use of equipment while reducing electricity consumption, elimination of paper in office processes in favor of electronic workflow, support for the hybrid work model, and others).
2. Active assistance to those in need, philanthropy (involvement in charity events, support of institutions, day care centers, orphanages, and individual assistance – in the form of donation of needed equipment, materials, and financial donations).
3. Concern for the fate of disadvantaged children. For this reason, we have been supporting the Orphanage in Bierutów and the Wrocław Hospice for Children for years. In addition to financial support, we donate necessary materials and products to the facilities for day-to-day operations and special projects, in the form of both equipment (laptops, desktop computers, television sets, and refrigerators) and clothing, dishes, hygiene items, and other products.
4. Active involvement in charity campaigns and projects. For this reason we also systematically help the “I Have a Dream Foundation” by fulfilling the dreams of the children who are its charges, as well as the “Noble Parcel” project, medical facilities (hospitals and medical centers), and units of uniformed services and aid organizations that support others.
5. Programs for employees (investment in employee development through support and subsidies for courses and training to improve skills, integration programs, and others).
in compliance with environmental standards and implemented quality systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:206. Certified management and transparent conduct, 15, ISO 14001:2015, and EMAS.
7. Special projects. As part of AB’s activities, we carry out a number of special projects, some of which are proprietary programs launched at the initiative of our employees.
Currently, we are conducting activities under the following projects:
“AByrazem” – the AB Group has actively joined the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, helping those in need and those who help others. As a result, as part of an extensive and thoughtful effort in the #AByrazem campaign, nearly a thousand pieces of various equipment, including medicines and ventilators, were distributed to those in need.
“AByrazem for Ukraine” – AB Group and its employees, in the face of the war in Ukraine, are also responding to the needs of the Ukrainian community. As part of the #AByrazem for Ukraine campaign, aid is distributed to those in need in the form of products (equipment, basic necessities, medicines – including those collected at the company by employees) and financial aid. These are handed over to aid organizations and abroad. In addition, Alsen, a member of the AB Group, is collecting used laptops, which, after refreshing (both software and hardware), are handed over to the Ministry of Education and then donated to Ukrainian children. Rekman, also a member of the AB Group, is donating strollers for refugee families in Poland. There is also extensive in-house support for the company’s employees from Ukraine (financial, material, and psychological assistance).
AB Competence Center and sponsorship of, among other things, hackathons for schoolchildren, and training courses to popularize technological knowledge – AB Group conducts IT education through these initiatives. AB popularizes access to technological knowledge free of charge and periodically, together with sectoral organizations. At the same time, it prevents digital exclusion and levels the playing field in terms of access to the latest technologies. In addition, it supports the sustainable development of the industry and participates in legislative work.