Management systems
Our activities and operations are based on an integrated management system that combines quality policy with care for the environment. Your satisfaction means the world to us, which is why we are constantly improving the system by introducing new infrastructure solutions. We comply with the law, constantly striving to achieve the maximum level of your satisfaction with the services we provide. We achieve this strategic goal, while taking care of:
- compliance with legal and environmental regulations;
- guaranteeing the timeliness and execution of orders;
- shortening the delivery times;
- increasing sales of offered products;
- elimination of deficiencies and complaints;
- efficient and economical use of energy and water;
- reducing the amount of generated technological waste and conducting rational and environmentally safe waste management processes;
- continuous improvement of the functioning of the entire organisation;
The prestige of being among the companies which conduct their activity in accordance with the sustainable development principles and use ISO management systems are confirmed by the certificates held by our company.

Download the certificate ISO 9001/14001 – PL
Download the certificate ISO 9001/14001 – EN

Environmental statement
We are the leader not only on the IT and consumer electronics market in Central and Eastern Europe – we are also the first company in the IT sector in Poland to have implemented the prestigious Eco-Management and Audit System – EMAS – in our company. This is the highest environmental management certificate available in the European Union.
EMAS is an environmental instrument of the EU for entities that voluntarily commit to evaluate, manage and improve their environmental performance. It is also the most reliable environmental management standard, setting the bar higher than the international ISO 14001 standard. Being a part of the system guarantees our environmental credibility for our clients, public administration and the general public.
AB S.A. is the 32nd company in Poland and the first actor in the IT industry to implement EMAS. The company successfully passed two verification audits by an independent certification body. As a result, it was given a positive assessment in terms of taking care of the environment. AB S.A. also implemented an Integrated Management System compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2005 standards, which encompasses assembly, sales, distribution and maintenance of computers and servers, software, consumer electronics and mobile telephony, as well as production and packaging of consumables for printers.
In addition to business growth of the company, we make conscious efforts to implement procedures related to environmental protection. For a distributor of IT solutions and consumer electronics such as our company, being green is one of the priorities, included not only in the long-term company strategy, but also in all current activities related to the implementation of new technologies, as well as the expansion and overhauls of existing infrastructure.
Download the Environmental Declaration EMAS of AB S.A.
Quality policy
Recognizing quality as a fundamental factor in ensuring customer satisfaction and competitive advantage, AB has established a Quality Policy, according to which the company’s goal is to meet customer needs by building long-term relationships with them, offering products of the highest quality using the latest sales techniques. Customers can count on trade fairness, stability of cooperation as well as knowledge and experience gained over 28 years of activity on the IT market. The above ideas are implemented through:
- meeting constantly increasing product requirements of customers
- creating a friendly workplace for employees
- constant market monitoring and responding to the needs of our clients
- shaping a margin policy taking into account the interests of both the company and its clients
- analysis of market trends allowing the creation of conditions for many years of customer development
- continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System
Customer satisfaction is the highest value for the AB Group. Maintaining the idea of continuous system improvement through the introduction of new infrastructure solutions and compliance with all applicable laws, the company constantly strives to achieve the maximum level of customer satisfaction with the services provided. The guarantee of meeting the above principles is implemented in AB S.A. certified according to ISO 9001: 2008 (PN-EN ISO 9001: 2009) quality management system and environmental management systems certified in accordance with EMAS and ISO 14001: 2004 standards (PN: EN 14001: 2005). AT Compus s.r.o since the establishment of the company in 2004 has implemented a system compliant with ĈSN ISA 9001 and ĈSN ISO 14001.
One of the more important qualitative aspects that also affect the formation of good relationships with contractors is the timeliness of payments and the level of turnover of receivables and liabilities. The AB Group constantly monitors these indicators, both in terms of evolution over time and against the background of the market.
Download the set of rules concerning AB S.A quality policy
Environmental policy
Taking care of the natural environment is one of the priorities in our business activities. Guided by the above principle, we implement pro-environmental measures in our everyday work.
Main aspects in the environmental field
The impact of AB Group operations on the natural environment is very limited, because machines and devices operate in essentially closed systems. The company impacts the environment mainly through emissions from combustion sources, the scale of which is consistent with the integrated permit. In areas such as soil and water environment, land surface, landscape, air, plants, animals, natural habitats and noise, AB does not adversely affect its surroundings. As a result of the operation of the distribution center, no substances get into the soil in the area. Access roads are covered with asphalt, so road transport (delivery of products, freight forwarding) has no effect on the state of soil. Rainwater is pretreated before being discharged from the distribution center. There are no protected areas in the vicinity of the Natura 2000 program. The Bystrzyca Valley is located nearby, at a distance of approx. 15 km, and AB’s activities have no impact on its ecosystem. The operation of the AB distribution center in the reporting period did not cause any environmental losses, so there is no need to take corrective actions.
Considering the nature of its operations, AB includes the following issues among the main environmental aspects:
- energy, utilities and air emissions;
- waste, packaging and scrap,
- paper consumption,
- consumption of ink cartridges, electrical and electronic equipment.
Environmental activities:
Pro-environmental activities of the AB Group are directed primarily at reducing the consumption of utilities and fuels, rational management of packaging waste and other waste generated in the company.
Environmental activities include:
- Reduction of electricity consumption
- Reducing water consumption
- Successive replacement of the car fleet
- Reduction of gas consumption and exhaust emissions
- Solar panels
- Reduction of paper consumption
- Waste segregation
Download the set of rules concerning AB S.A environmental policy
General Code of Conduct
AB Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct
AB Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct