Vote for AB S.A. in the „Capital Market Heroes” 2024 Contest

Voting is underway for key figures and companies in the capital market as part of the „Capital Market Heroes” 2024 contest. Among the nominees, in the category of „Large Companies (WIG20 + mWIG40),” is AB S.A. We greatly appreciate this recognition and encourage everyone to vote for our Company.

Vote for AB in the „Capital Market Heroes” contest <click here>

Voting is open until May 31. The contest is organized by the Association of Individual Investors. The contest results and the awarding of the Capital Market Heroes will take place on June 7, 2024, on the first day of the WallStreet 28 Conference. AB will also be present at the event. During the conference, you can learn more about AB at our dedicated booth. We invite you to join us and get to know each other at WallStreet 28.
Karpacz, Hotel Gołębiewski, June 7-9, 2024.

Details about the conference can be found on the organizer’s website.

Information about AB Company.